Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Tide of Life

by Stan C. Countz, lyricist, 2010
The tide of life ebbs and flows; time goes by so fast
No one knows where the wind will blow
When it’s time to come or time to go
We’re high, we’re low; we cry; we laugh
Too bad good times never last

No one knows what tomorrow holds…
Things don’t always go the way we planned
We may be carrying a heavy load
But the King holds us in His hands
So don’t build your house on sand

Come what may, no one can say
“If only I had known”
‘Cuz when the day is done and we’ve had our fun
We’ll reap just what we’ve sown
As we meet the great unknown

The ways of man and the pride of life
In the end will tear us down
But if we take His hand and cease our strife
And share the peace we've found
We can trade our cares for a crown 

So don’t worry or fret and never forget
How much you’ve changed and grown
Ask, seek and knock; build your house on the rock
And turn your stumbling blocks
Into stepping stones...

TNT 4th Anniversary Celebration

4th Anniversary Celebration of Trinity Networking Teams